12 young people from 5 countries received their certificates within the INCLUSIVE BUBBLES: YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN ACTION, Project of Erasmus+ program.

In Sofia, from March 28th to April 1st, 2022, the second training of youth workers was held with the topic: ATTITUDES TOWARDS ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS

PROGRAM. The partners from National Association of Resource Teachers, Bulgaria – Coordinator, Backslash, Spain, Igdir il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu, Turkey, Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu, Poland, Kulturno Izobrazevalno Drustvo PiNa, Slovenia had their training sessions and study visits. Lecturers from the National Association of Resource Teachers, Lumos Foundation, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy presented topics related to providing support for students and young people with intellectual disabilities to live independently, create skills for work and social entrepreneurship; ways of interaction with institutions. The program included three visits to social enterprises – in the Day Center of the World of Maria Foundation, Sofia, the Workshop of Caritas Catania, Rakovski and Art Studio Tvorilnitsa GIP Sofia. The participants also prepared their own production of soaps, as a model for carrying out accessible, motivating and creative activities for people with intellectual disabilities.

The final meeting of the project and the Day of Youth Labour Activities in Valencia, Spain with host Backslash is forthcoming.