
09.2016  to  09.2017.


Bulgaria NART

Lithuania – Europe Social Entrepreneurship Institute

Turkey – Ataturk Special School

United Kigdom – Sportfit Shortbreak Care Ldt

Turkey  – Igdir Provincial Directorate

Italy – You-Net


The project’s overall aim is to improve employment prospects of young people with intellectual disabilities.

The concrete objectives of the project are:

  • to improve social entrepreneurial skills of 35 young people with intellectual disabilities;
  • to raise capacity of 14 professionals in delivering social entrepreneurship education social entrepreneurship training for young people with intellectual disabilities;
  • to support establishment of 7 training social enterprises of young people with intellectual disabilities.

The Candle project compiles a social entrepreneurship training programme for young people with mild, moderate and severe intellectual disabilities on the basis of good practices in the partner organisations and countries. Within the programme young people with the support of youth workers develop ideas for social enterprises in the field of candle-making, engage in real “training” enterprises, carry out pilot production, marketing and selling activities within the learning process.